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Croydon Yoga

We fell in love with teaching in Croydon when we met back in 2021; since then we've been on a mission shake up how the local community can access yoga and to breakdown the perception that wellbeing is about being perfect because to us it's about being human! Proud to say Croydon is our first residential location.

We are committed to accessible pricing so all yoga classes are sliding scale
but what does that mean?

Well, simply, we want to make yoga accessible to everyone. We hate seeing high studio prices block people out of wellbeing spaces so our pricing is driven by what you can afford to pay at the point of attending the class.

Suggested pay structure


£8 - £10 > Low income/Struggling to meet basic needs

£11 - £14 > Standard/Able to enjoy a meal out without worry

£15 - £18 > Support/Rarely think of costs when purchasing

Pay what you can and save your space below...

Where to
find us...

Our main home is 'The Venue' Middle St located on a side road off of Croydons famous Surrey Street Market. So don't forget you can grab some amazing fruit & veg after class!


Join us on mobile!

Download the Spaces by Wix app and join “Community Wellbeing” to easily stay updated on the go.

Scan QR code to join the app
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